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RAFFLE TICKET to Win these SIGNED books + £50 to spend at Big Green Books!
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RAFFLE TICKET to Win these SIGNED books + £50 to spend at Big Green Books!

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We're doing another raffle!!

All the money raised will be going towards books that will be sent to help asylum seekers at Napier Barracks in Folkestone (more info below).

As ever, raffle tickets are just £2 each. 

And the prize for the winner is ALL the books in the photo (EACH HAS BEEN SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR!) + £50 to spend on books at Big Green Books!

Here's a bit more information about Napier Barracks. 

Charlie, who's working there at the moment explains...

"Napier Barracks is short term Home Office Accommodation in Folkestone for asylum seekers to reside in, whilst they await their asylum interview and decision.
Many residents arrived in the UK following difficult crossings of the Channel to seek a better life in the UK. Home Office Accommodation provides for the basic physical needs of residents, ensuring that they are provided with somewhere safe to stay and are catered for, whilst activities, education and recreation are organised by external bodies such as charities. There are several charities working on site to deliver conversational English classes and other language support, however the books which have previously been donated to the site have tended to be either children’s books (we presume because many are only just learning English) or classics, which are inaccessible to most during the length of their stay due to the length of time learning English can take.
What we're desparate for is a few additional textbooks, some age-appropriate beginner English books to assist learning outside of the classes and also some books in the resident's native languages (Arabic, Kurdish, Farsi etc) for those who just want to read"
So...let's see what we can do to help
I have a Patreon, which, with your support helps me do stuff like this, so i'll be donating £100. 
Hopefully the raffle will raise a bit more.
1. Raffle tickets are £2 each, and are on sale until June 7th at 4pm.
2. You can buy as many tickets as you like.
3. Each ticket bought will be put into a top hat.
4. The winning ticket will be drawn "live" and we will announce the winner on Twitter, on Tuesday June 7th at 4.45pm
5. I will then let you all know how much money we've raised for books to send Napier Barracks and everyone cheers!
6. I will post the books to the winner via special delivery and very securely packed the following week. 
Anyone anywhere in the world can enter. 
So, in conclusion, someone is going to get ALL these books for £2, and even if it's not you, by entering the raffle, you're helping these very vulnerable people.
I really hope this works and that we can raise a load of money!
If you have any questions, please email me (Simon) at
(My website only accepts paypal, so if you'd like this, but don't want to use paypal, email, and we can sort out an alternative)

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Price: £2.00

Product Code: RAFR39
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